Top 10 PS4 Indies

I love writing top 10 lists. Above all, they’re a great excuse to bring up titles that I loved and I wish more people would try as well. Sometimes (or most times) the games featured in these lists happen to be pretty popular though, that’s why my absolute favorite lists are the ones highlighting “hidden gems”.

Today’s list isn’t exactly that but, being these small “indie” titles, I’m pretty sure the mainstream public hasn’t played most of these really. A mainstream public that won’t ever come across this blog post but oh well…

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Briefiew – Chicken Police: Paint it Red!

I’ve come to realize that my reviews are all over the place. Not just because of how I redact them but because of which games I choose to review in the first place. I don’t decide by quality and I’m definitely don’t try chasing any trends either. I play tons of games but I review one of every five approximately and it’s always the weirdest one.

Today, a detective story starring animals because of course this one has to get reviewed.

Continue reading “Briefiew – Chicken Police: Paint it Red!”

Briefiew – AI: The Somnium Files

No game is for everyone. Even the most crowd-pleasing blockbuster AAA’s that have been purposely built to be enjoyed by the biggest target demographic and indeed sell by the millions will have haters. It’s the human nature and the fact that everyone has their own taste.

In a similar theme, although no genre will please everyone, specific genres seem to gather more contempt than others. Although they were plenty popular in the ‘90s, I sometimes feel like I’m the only fan of on-rails-shooters still alive.

Another genre that has a pretty big “hatebase” would be the Visual Novel. Misunderstood by some, simply despised by others, there is no way you could turn this niche genre into a mainstream act, right?

Continue reading “Briefiew – AI: The Somnium Files”

Briefiew – Mundaun

Of all the stupid things I do in life, leaving horror games for “Spooktober” has to be up there. At this rate and, with the massive backlog I already carry, I know that I’ll just never play them all.

I wouldn’t dare to say that we currently live in the golden era of the survival horror but, in my eyes, the way the indie scene has embraced the genre has really invigorated it. So many unique takes on the horror genre have developed a massive amount of interesting projects to follow (and ideally play). And despite this huge amount of games that are worth experiencing, I still restrict myself to mostly play these games in October because it’s more “moody”.

Well, at least I played Mundaun.

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OSR – PS4 Racing games

In these “One-sentence Reviews” I summarize my impressions of games the briefest I can. It’s never one sentence literally but I try to never go beyond three. Despite that, today’s OSR might be the longest article on the blog, why? Because I’ll be covering all of the racing games I’ve played on PS4.

Indie or AAA, I love this genre with a passion so I’ve played a massive amount of them in this console. Some have already got full-blown reviews on the blog, I’ll make sure to link those. Still, these won’t be all of the racing games available on the system, be advised.

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September 13th’s State of Play

There is no middle ground with PlayStation. Either they drown you with streaming events or they’ll stay dead silent for literal months. We hadn’t heard anything from them since early June but, barely 24 hours before the actual date, they announced a brand new State of Play stream.

According to PlayStation itself, it’d be around 20 minutes of footage of 10-or-so games coming from Japan and other developers around the world. Were any bombshells dropped? Check below for a summary and my own two cents.

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Briefiew – CrossCode

I play lots of indie games that seemingly have been inspired by older games but I’m always a bit conflicted. By the virtue of having smaller budgets, indie games can aim at a “nicher” audience and still be profitable so they could be experimental and try new things but, instead, a good amount decide to lean onto the same true and tested formulas that were successful in the past. Again, I’m not hating that. I do play many games like these and enjoy them when they’re executed good but… maybe we already have enough “metroidvanias”.

Today’s game could also be categorized as a “retro-throwback” kind of game but, fortunately, it’s not as overused.

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Briefiew – Trailmakers

Do you consider yourself a creative person? Do you like to “create”? I kinda do but, in all honesty, I’m too lazy and talent-less to put my creativity into something actually productive. However, I love video games and so, I love to find games that allow some room for creativity. I’ve spent hundreds of hours in Minecraft’s creative mode just building exotic castles and cathedrals at my heart’s content.

I also happen to have a fascination for mechanical devices that can be driven or piloted. The thing about the game that I’ll be reviewing today is that it mixes both of these aspects.

This brief review also counts as some sort of “import briefiew” as the physical release of this title is limited to Japan (as of today). For wondering collectors: Yes, that version features European languages as well.

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Briefiew – Titan Chaser

About the gaming medium, I consider myself pretty well informed. Despite that, sometimes I will find games at storefronts which I literally never heard about before. Ironically, in those cases, if the game seems any interesting in the slightest way, I will usually end up buying it.

What can I say? I’m attracted to the unknown …and to huge sales.

Today’s review is for a game I really didn’t know existed three weeks ago: Titan Chaser.

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Top 15 Anticipated GT7 Cars

I usually don’t react to gaming rumors at all. There are enough “fake news” running around the internet already and I don’t want to add to that. However, credit where credit is due, this leaked data-mined GT7 info is steadily being proven right.

A list of 80 different cars is floating around Gran Turismo circles and the cars present in this week’s update were definitely there. Getting right the Escudo might have been a coincidence but who would have seen coming the 1932 Ford Roadster?

So, assuming the data mined list is all true and these cars are definitely coming to GT7 sooner or later, which are the ones that excite me the most? The next fifteen.

I know that these kind of lists usually have ten spots but I couldn’t leave so many icons out. I still kind of cheated and made sure to name even more cars than that anyway…

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